Relocating Subalternity: Conference Announcement

March 25, 2012

Relocating Subalternity: A Symposium

Friday 6 and Saturday 7 April 2012

Jan van Eyck Academie, Maastricht, NL

Participation is free, please register at

For more info, see

The symposium Relocating Subalternity aims to explore both limits and potentialities of the classical notion of subalternity. How does subalternity relate to agency and subjectivity? What are the possible intersections between subalternity and other forms and experiences of subjectivation? Can the subaltern become an agent of struggles? What are the political implications of the increasing interest on marginality and subalternity in academia and art?

The conference will be a space for political and theoretical confrontation among different conceptual and normative positions that emerged in feminist, postcolonial and queer theory. Speakers will be Nikita Dhawan (Goethe-University Frankfurt), Elsa Dorlin (Panthéon-Sorbonne University), Dhruv Jain (Jan van Eyck Academie), Jasbir Puar (Rutgers University), Srila Roy (University of Nottingham), Asha Varadharajan (Queen’s University), Jamila Mascat and Sara de Jong (both JvE Academie). The conference is organised by the Jan van Eyck Academie.