RCT Call for Reviewers

July 25, 2014

We’d like to invite you to contribute to Reviews in Cultural Theory by offering to review one of the books listed below. We also welcome proposals for longer review essays, focusing on recent or forthcoming (2013-) titles. If you are interested in contributing a review or a review essay to RCT, please write to us at editors@reviewsinculture.com.

Books Available for Review

Lindon Barrett. Racial Blackness and the Discontinuity of Racial Modernity. University of Illinois Press, 2014. 264 pp.

Karen Beckman, ed. Animating Film Theory. Duke University Press, 2014. 376 pp.

Eugenie Brinkema. The Forms of the Affects. Duke University Press, 2014. 368 pp.

Peter Brooks, ed. The Humanities and Public Life. Fordham University Press, 2014. 160 pp.

Elspeth H. Brown and Thy Phu, eds. Feeling Photography. Duke University Press, 2014. 408 pp.

Una Chaudhuri and Holly Hughes, eds. Animal Acts: Performing Species Today. University of Michigan Press, 2014. 246 pp.

Andrew Cole. The Birth of Theory. University of Chicago Press, 2014. 272 pp.

Glen Sean Coulthard. Red Skin, White Masks: Rejecting the Colonial Politics of Recognition. University of Minnesota Press, 2014. 256 pp.

Tarleton Gillespie, Pablo J. Boczkowski, Kirsten A. Foot, eds.  Media Technologies: Essays on Communication, Materiality, and Society. MIT Press, 2014. 320 pp.

Lisa Gitelman. Paper Knowledge: Toward a Media History of Documents. Duke University Press, 2014. 224 pp.

Boris Groys. On the New. Verso, 2014. 208 pp

Max Haiven. Crises of Imagination, Crises of Power: Capitalism, Creativity and the Commons. Zed Books, 2014. 320 pp.

Jin Haritaworn, Adi Kuntsman, and Silvia Posocco, eds. Queer Necropolitics. Routledge, 2014. 222 pp.

Neil Larsen, Mathias Nilges, Josh Robinson, and Nicholas Brown, eds. Marxism and the Critique of Value. MCM’ 2014. 400 pp.

Henri Lefebvre. Toward an Architecture of Enjoyment. Ed. Łukasz Stanek. University of Minnesota Press, 2014. 248 pp.

Brenton J. Malin. Feeling Mediated: A History of Media Technology and Emotion in America. NYU Press, 2014. 317 pp.

Marcel Martel. Canada The Good: A Short History of Vice Since 1500. Wilfred Laurier University Press, 2014. 210 pp.

Marcus Rediker. Outlaws of the Atlantic: Sailors, Pirates and Motley Crews in the Age of Sail. Verso, 2014. 208 pp.

Mark Rifkin. Settler Common Sense: Queerness and Everyday Colonialism in the American Renaissance. University of Minnesota Press, 2014. 290 pp.

Audra Simpson and Andrea Smith, eds. Theorizing Native Studies. Duke University Press, 2014. 340 pp.

Alison Shonkwiler and Leigh Claire La Berge, eds. Reading Capitalist Realism. University of Iowa Press, 2014. 272 pp.

Catherine R. Squires. Post-Racial Mystique: Media and Race in the Twenty-First Century. NYU Press, 2014. 243 pp.

Robert T. Tally, Jr. Fredric Jameson: The Project of Dialectical Criticism. Pluto Press, 2014. 216 pp.

Amy Villarejo. Ethereal Queer: Television, Historicity, Desire. Duke University Press, 2014. 216 pp.

Phillip Wegner. Periodizing Jameson: Dialectics, the University, and the Desire for Narrative. Northwestern University Press, 2014. 328 pp.

Slavoj Zizek. Zizek’s Jokes: (Did you hear the one about Hegel and Negation?). MIT Press, 2014. 148 pp.