Volume 4, Issue 2

Summer 2013

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Collecting reviews from August to December, 2013.

Enlightenment Interrupted

By Alison Shonkwiler

Marie-Hélène Huet, The Culture of Disaster. University of Chicago Press, 2012. 256 pp.

Intersectionality Matters

By Melissa Haynes

Mel Y. Chen. Animacies: Biopolitics, Racial Mattering, and Queer Affect. Duke University Press, 2012. 312 pp.

Race and Citizenship in Postwar America

By Michael Mayne

Joseph Keith. Unbecoming Americans: Writing Race and Nation from the Shadows of Citizenship, 1945-1960. Rutgers University Press, 2013. 239pp.

Orgasm Without Bodies

By Ela Przybylo

Annamarie Jagose. Orgasmology. Duke University Press, 2013. 251 pp.

A Logical Revolt

By Tully Rector

Alain Badiou. Philosophy for Militants. Trans. Bruno Bosteels. Verso, 2012. 98pp.