
By Theo Finigan

Issue 3.2 | October 1, 2012

Joan Wallach Scott. The Fantasy of Feminist History. Duke University Press, 2011. 187pp.

In The Fantasy of Feminist History an eminent cultural and gender historian interrogates some of the basic methodological and epistemological assumptions that constitute her discipline. While affirming history’s continued intellectual relevance—it is historians who, crucially, “introduce the difference of time” into interdisciplinary theoretical discourse, for instance (42)—Joan Wallach Scott nonetheless seeks here to problematize

Theo Finigan received his PhD from the University of Alberta, where he is currently an instructor in the Department of English and Film Studies. His research interests include twentieth- and twenty-first-century American fiction, historical representation in fiction and theory, critical theory, postmodernism, the literature and culture of the Cold War, and nuclear criticism. He has essays published or forthcoming in Critique, English Studies in Canada, ImageText, Mosaic, and Science Fiction Studies.